We want to establish a foundation for our collective self-advocacy efforts, making UCSB a more accessible and inclusive campus for everyone.
CODE believes in the power of the disability community uniting across our differences, and establishing common grounds for solidarity with other marginalized communities, in order to best address the (in)accessibility issues we face together.
This will be a safe and accessible space for the disability community and allies, especially those who are part of the Sick, Disabled, Queer/Trans*, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (SDQTBIPOC) community, to talk about their mental health and support each other, as we navigate systemic ableism and work to bring visibility to the disability community.
To read about how this project fits into CODE’s mission, visit The 10 Principles of Disability Justice page.
Currently, the RDS series is being held at the MCC for the 23-24 school year from 10:30 to 12pm every Friday.
Updates on the DCCS (2022-23)
The Disability Community Care Space will be held weekly over Zoom during Fall 2022! Time TBA – fill out the when2meet so that we can schedule! See the flyer below for more information.

CODE now has a listserv! This will serve as a kind of forum for disabled students at UCSB and CODE board members to share information and events. It will also double as a newsletter for CODE. Please join us at the link above. If you have trouble joining, feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Fill out the updated 2022-23 Interest Form:
Disability Community Care Space Ideas and Suggestions/Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/dGrz3Zs1BrDLcbjZ6
Weekly Discussion Topics
Each week of the quarter, we check in with each other, then focus our discussion on a particular topic, such as navigating college, the justice system and race and disability, caring for our communities, the transition to on-campus learning, pain levels, and disparities of opportunity and diagnosis, or intergenerational trauma and healing
If you have suggestions for a future discussion topic, please contact us!
Accessibility Information
ASL interpretation and wheelchair access are standard accommodations. The DCCS is held as a hybrid event to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone attending.
We also ask that participants avoid all scented products—including commercial detergents, shampoo, soap, perfume, deodorants, lotions, fabric softeners, etc.—before the in-person meetings, in order to make this space accessible for folks with multiple chemical sensitivities. For more information, please see the following resource guide: http://bit.ly/being-fragrance-free.
Community Guidelines
We want to make sure that we can create a “safe space” where all people who have different experiences with “disability” can feel welcome and included. Therefore, we have established the following guidelines that we will set before each meeting.
Read the full list of community guidelines on this document.