Our blog page will contain posts about Upcoming Events related to disability issues and mixed-ability organizing efforts, including CODE collaborations with other campus entities!
Disability Community Care Space
Launched mid-Fall 2021 and continuing through Spring 2022, these recurring weekly meetings are a safe and accessible space for people with disabilities, especially people who are part of the Sick, Disabled, Queer, Trans*, Black/Indigenous/People of Color (SDQTBIPOC) community, to talk about their mental health, and support each other as we navigate systemic ableism and bring visibility to the disability community.
We want to establish a foundation for our collective self-advocacy efforts that make UCSB a more accessible and inclusive campus for Everyone. Student well-being is at the heart of CODE’s efforts.
ADA Compliance Team
During the 2021-2022 school year, we hope to assemble a student group dedicated to improving accessibility on campus and committed to principles of cross-disability solidarity.